By using acupuncture points, we can both balance the person's energy as well as help them along their path in life. Each acupuncture point contains a rich source of vital energy as well as an opportunity to open a person's life, allowing it to blossom forth with richness.


The purpose of acupuncture is to return the body to balance by alleviating physical, mental, and spiritual discomfort. Acupuncture is safe and effective for all adults and children. The practice and study of acupuncture is more than 3,000 years old and works by stimulating the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine is the art and science of using herbs for promoting health and preventing and treating illness.  Eastern Herbal Medicine relies on herbal therapies both for the treatment of illness and in the optimization of health and prevention of disease. Herbs come in many forms including pills, powders, raw herbs and topicals.

Cupping+ Gua Sha

Both Cupping and Gua Sha are great therapies to increase circulation and reduce inflammation. Great for Musculoskeletal issues, immune boosting, respiratory imbalances, and reducing scar tissue. Oh and it feels phenomenal! 

Lifestyle Counseling

One of the strengths of Chinese Medicine is that it helps us bring awareness to our bodies, and only with awareness can we promote change! Through Lifestyle recommendations, like qi gong, breathing exercises, and self-care habits, YOU become  empowered in your health and YOU  have the tools for healing.

Nutritional Counseling

Food can be both medicine and poison. With all the conflicting information out there, AIF is dedicated to educating our patients on how to balance the energetics of food based on each person’s constitution and present health conditions as bringing awareness to our eating habits is significant to leading a healthy, long life.

Body Work

We offer rehabilitative and restorative massage therapy for aches and pains, decreasing muscular stiffness, and inflammation of joints, and enhancing digestive and respiratory function, alertness, sensation and circulation. 

LED Light Therapy

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy or low-level light therapy, is the application of specific wavelengths of light energy to obtain therapeutic benefits for a variety of conditions including skin, pain and hair restoration.


Moxa is dried Mugwort that applied either directly or indirect to the skin is a great adjunct therapy or a standalone powerful medicine. Moxa warms the merdians and is  used to alleviate pain, stop excessive bleeding, and turn breech babies just to name a few.

Pediatric Care

Acupuncture and herbs can support your child’s mental, emotional, and physical health in a drug-free way. We offer needle-free options to address ADHD, asthma, allergies, sleep problems, colic, colds and flu, immunity support, and much more.

Electro Stimulation

Electro-acupuncture, is the application of a pulsating electrical current to acupuncture needles as a means of stimulating the acupoints. Used successfully for  injuries, pain, and neurological disorders. 

Ear Acupuncture

Ear Acupuncture, acupressure and seeds for have been researched and proven to be effective in the treatment and intervention for trauma, substance misuse, abuse, dependence and related behavioral and mental health conditions and stress.


Humans are wired to connect, and this connection affects our health. From psychological theories to recent research, there is significant evidence that social support and feeling connected can lead to longer life, better health, and improved well-being. Social connectedness creates a sense of belonging, and being cared for, valued, and supported.